Personally (and I do not want to sound so gloomy), I think PIP is just a legal dance. Well, most of the time, anyway. You pretend to care about my “performance,” and I pretend to prove my worth. And let me tell you, I have never yet seen any PIP really based on performance, but there have to be some, right? It is usually a case of bad chemistry. I would love to hear from anyone who has witnessed anything differently.
And yes, I have seen an email sent to managers that anyone they want out, they’d better have PIP in place for legal purposes. The bottom line is … and this one for employees, if you know you have done your very best with solid proof to show for it and still face the PIP, put your energy into planning your exit and do not live in denial that it will be a reset for you once you prove your worth. You can win awards for the company, save arses and then some, and spearhead global projects, and they will still ask you to be more, do more and doubt your capability. Find some places where you are appreciated and protect your mental health 🙏