I think it may be better that I write an article to respond to this article. You really get me thinking. SO, Thank you.
First of all, I applaud you for being a rare type of leader. It can be very disheartening to see that some leaders still have not adopted a feedback culture. Your team is so lucky.
Thank you. The idea of Ask and Guess culture is new to me. Many things words pop up in my head; among them are boundary and psychosociology.
For example, people from Asia are from collectivistic cultures – they aim for collective goals and harmony. Boundary can be a blurred line to manage. Communication style requires you to read between the lines, and you guess it..There is a lot of GUESSING.
I am from Thailand/a collectivistic culture. In Thailand, if you show up at someone’s door without asking, it shows how close they think your relationship with them is, and this is how people show their affection. Would that be categorised as ASK? It is common for your friends and family to ask how much you earn or comment on your appearance. What terror, right? But this is just how they say they take notice.
Even a guesser can appear to be an asker when they feel safe to do so, and it looks like you are creating that kind of safety culture in your team.
I celebrate with you.